Rebuild Ukraine, With Your Tax Deductible Donations

🏗️ Help us rebuild schools, hospitals, stores, homes and infrastructure necessary for everyday survival

Support the Millions of displaced Ukrainian citizens

Your tax-deductible donation will make a difference by funding efforts to create temporary and permanent shelters for the thousands of Ukrainians that have no place to live and nowhere to go.

Join Our Cause

Together, we can rebuild Ukraine and restore utilities, services, housing, stores and schools necessary to allow the Ukraine to rebuild and heal from a terrible war with Russia.

How can you help with the rebuild of ukraine?

Rebuild Ukraine is a charitable 501 (c) (3) organization and all donations are tax deductible*

I had donated previously to the Red Cross, but I know the funds were only going to assist in emergency supplies like tents, food and water. I wanted to contribute to a larger cause and Ukraine Rebuild was what I was looking for. I spoke to their representative and they had an action plan for providing a temporary school for students that are without school at all and as a teacher, that was an important allocation of funds.

Alice Springer


Spring Branch Schools


7.7 Million Ukrainians are homeless and refugees.

With approximately 24% of the Ukraine population pushed into poverty level prior to the war with Russia, funds for everyday necessities are scarce. With food, supplies, housing and utilities unavailable, many of these people have been displaced and living in makeshift camps with a lack of water, toilets and shelter. Your donations can bring tents, food, portable showers and toilets to these areas.

Rebuild Ukraine: Make a Difference Today!

Tax Deductible Donations

Rebuilding Schools, stores, homes and facilities

Rebuild Ukraine Now!

Support our mission to rebuild schools, hospitals, homes, stores, and infrastructure. Donate today!

*Consult your tax expert regarding tax deductible contributions. Rebuild Ukraine is sponsored by World Charities Fund and is a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization in good standing with the United States Internal Revenue Service.